Smart Ads - iOS App

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$ 230.00
Dear customers, please note, that because of fluctuated processing fee - the final price of the product may change! But due to our Discount Program - Your purchase is always a real bargain!

License details

Regular License

A regular license allows an item to be used in one project for either personal or commercial use by you or on behalf of a client. The item cannot be offered for resale either on its own or as part of a project. Distribution of source files is not permitted.

Smart Ads app is built for every sellers (individual, business, agency, etc.) to login and post their ads. Buyers can browse any ads and contact sellers for the ads. Admin can manage users, sellers and ads at the backend. The app is built in native Objective-C, and the backend is written in PHP and MySQL script. Features
  • Login & Register
  • Edit account
  • Create new ads
  • Manage ads
  • Subscribe for each ads
  • Manage messages sent by users
  • Login & Register
  • Browse ads by categories, sub-categories
  • Filter ads by various filters
  • Browse sellers and their ads
  • Contact, send message to sellers
  • Save ads to bookmark
Requirements - Xcode


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