Vacation Rental Script

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$ 220.00
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Rentair is a vacation rental software similar to Airbnb Clone. You can use this software to deploy your Airbnb Clone business website easily.Hosts and guests from all over the world will come to your online booking service you will elevate their stay and rental experience to the next level. The software is not a template or theme but has all working functions & modules. You can use rentair to launch your own amazing vrbo clone, Homeaway clone, housetrip clone, windu clone. Features of the system include.



Guest or Buyer can create account via email or multiple social network logins. Search & browse all property and item listings. They can see all Property and Host details and check availability on calender with all standard features like rating/reviews, account management etc.


Host or Seller has all features of a buyer and they will can be able to list their property. A Host/Seller is able to manage their property listing and booking from the backend and all standard features.


The entire system can be managed by the admin and has all standard admin features.


Standard LAMP Server with PHP(minimum requirement 5.6) and MySQL


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