Salon and Spa Management Cloud Software

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$ 420.00
Dear customers, please note, that because of fluctuated processing fee - the final price of the product may change! But due to our Discount Program - Your purchase is always a real bargain!

Front-end User Features:-

Register via Email


Via Registered Email-Id

Via Facebook

Via Google+

Forgot Password

Messages (Contact Service Providers via message – Future Update)

Invite friends using social media or personal mails

Add professional to favorite

Newsletter Subscription

Service Providers Features List:-

Register Using Provider Registration Form


Via Registered Email-Id

Via Facebook

Via Google+

Forgot Password

Subscribe (Buy Premium) from available packages.

Craft their profile to standout in portal.

Availability Options

Provide Service and category information

View Messages provided by users

Reviews for products or services

Provide Promo code and offers to users

Craft their own personal profile description section

check subscription and transaction details

use their own payment processing using provided options

Use Paypal for payments

Use Strip for payments

Use Razorpay for payments

Super Admin Features List:-

Manage Users


Registered service professionals

Manage categories

Manage category questions to be asked by professionals while registering

Manage questions to be asked from service seekers while they are searching for professionals in any particular category

Manage Banners

Home Page

Create / edit subscription packages

Track Transaction and manage them

Manage Location

Manage Service Provider Offers

Manage Reviews

Manage Feedback System

Manage Blog

Manage General Settings and Contact Us


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