Tweak CMS

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$ 120.00
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When a typical CMS is hacked, your website is compromised. Our CMS is independent of your site so security risks are nil.

Rebrandable CMS

Your brand is always front-and-center.

  • Custom URL
  • Your header/logo
  • Your color scheme
  • White-label support

Tweak works with you

The last thing you need as a designer is to be restricted by a content management system. Tweak gives you unlimited latitude to express your creativity and to design the site your client needs.

Rebrand Tweak As Your Own CMS
Keep your brand front-and-center with your clients at all times, even when they're updating their website.

Tweak lets you fully rebrand the user interface by setting a custom domain name, uploading a full header graphic (not just a logo), and customizing the colors used throughout the system.

Designing for Tweak couldn't be easier. Tweak is supremely flexible and can handle your most creative creativity.

All you need to do is identify the areas of your design that should be editable by the client. From there, you or a programmer just adds a few CSS classes to the code.

Use Any Platform

Need to use PHP on a site? Have another client who needs .NET technologies? Doing some ColdFusion work? Tweak works with any platform by publishing website files to the hosting server of your choice.

Tweak can also publish website files in any file extension, such as .html, .shtml, .php, .php3, .aspx, .jsp, etc.

Tweak uses pure XHTML and CSS for templating, and that means your code is valid from start to finish.

Host Anywhere

Using a CMS shouldn't mean you're locked into one particular hosting platform. Some of your clients may need Windows hosting and others may need Linux hosting. You certainly have your preferred platform, but wouldn't it be nice to have one CMS that can support all platforms?

Tweak publishes website files via FTP to any server, anywhere, regardless of the platform. All Tweak needs is an FTP or SFTP connection.

Integrate With Web Services, Databases, Etc.

Using a hosted CMS usually means you lose the ability to do really custom, complex stuff. Not so with Tweak.

Tweak publishes website files to the hosting server of your choice which means your clients' website files can be integrated with other systems as needed. You can also include server-side code in your templates or in page content to connect to databases, web services, or APIs as needed.

Optimize for Search Engines

Tweak gives you and your clients the SEO capabilities you need, including support for web standards, META tag management, and Sitemap Protocol support.

Get Friendly Support

As intuitive as Tweak is, both you and your clients will occasionally need some help. We're here to support you at every step.

Reach us here. We will be in touch as soon as possible.


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